Ep.14/ how to reframe perfectionism
Hello! We are back after a week off and we are raring to go! Cass is having an amazing morning being early on a school drop off day and Sam is feeling pumped after an early morning PT sesh and breaky with a friend so it is good vibes all round!
On today's episode we talk about perfectionism. The chat starts with a beautiful animal spirit card drawn by Sam which is the White Raven encouraging us to trust in life's magic. We love how this so beautifully highlights that if you are too PERFECT all the time you are missing out on the opportunity for the universe to works its MAGIC into your life.
This topic is inspired by a Brene Brown quote "When perfectionism is driving, shame is always riding shotgun and fear is the annoying backseat driver." We delve deep into what this means for us as people and how we show up in our business.
We break down the different types of drivers for perfectionism such as caring what people think as opposed to internally striving for excellence. Cass and Sam share whether they think they are perfectionists or not and how it might or might not show up in their businesses.
Perfectionism is SO common. There is every chance that you have experienced it as some point in your life and business journey. If you are feeling it at the moment, maybe try asking yourself "what am I afraid of?" - this could help you gain the clarity you need or confidence to jump right in!
We say just post that artwork, offer that new service, launch that website! At the end of the day these things can always be tweaked or removed later if it doesn't work out. People really don't notice as much as we think and ultimately remember why you are offering what you do. There are people out there that want to receive your soul's work! Think about all the people that would be missing out if you don't put your work out there. Go for it lovely!