Ep.24/ Why you need to F up
Welcome back! We are back after our quick break and are both feeling super refreshed and excited to be here! Cass is entering an exciting chapter moving into her new house. There is a fresh new energy in the air for the collective, are you feeling it too? We are both really leaning into this and loving it! It is almost like Spring has come early!
In today’s episode we chat all about why you need to F up in business. Sam pulls the most perfect Dreamy Moons card to start the ep that says “you are safe to make mistakes!”
We dive deep into this topic and so many elements of it. One big message is that if you haven’t stuffed up, you haven’t tried. So we say get in the arena and give it a go!
Sam shares an example of when she stuffed up at the beginning of her podcasting journey and how it led to an amazing editor and Cass shares when she stuffed up sending wedding invites to the wrong couples and how it was easily fixed and not a big deal in the long run!
We are deep in conversation when the universe decided to make an example of us in this episode! The audio cuts out completely and it is hilarious! Tune in to hear how Sam had stuffed up in this very recording and how we decided to look at it with curiosity, fun and laughter.
We are all human and we are going to make mistakes along the way, so be curious and don’t get upset with yourself when those moments happen. Also remember that you are not a bad person if you make a mistake every now and then! We will leave you with this Brene Brown quote “I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up…there is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period!”