Ep.04/ How to price your work as a creative




On this new moon in Pisces we discuss pricing our work as a Creative.

We look at the story that society has told us that time equates money and break down what is involved in unlearning this to start with a clean state. As creative entrepreneurs, what comes naturally to us is our gift and we can charge for it! The study, time and energy that you have put into honing your craft is what you are charging for, not just the time it took to complete the work.

We encourage you to think about who your ideal client is and where their money frequency is at. It's all about getting your own frequency right about money and you will attract those affluent clients from there! An exercise you can try is creating a mood board with your ideal clients on it.

We talk about the importance of setting healthy boundaries and saying no. Remember, clear is kind! By saying no to a job that you don't want to do and recommending someone else for that client, everyone wins! Follow the work and jobs that light you up. If it's fun and feels easy, then the money will flow.

We also discuss the importance of creating space for new opportunities in your life. This applies to new clients with big budgets as well.

Money is a form of energetic exchange. How does it feel to you? Sometimes there might be jobs we are happy to take on because there are other elements in the exchange that make it feel good and right for us.

Remember it's okay to be where you are today, it's all about constantly moving forward and not getting stagnant. There is no cap on what we can be earning as creative entrepreneurs!


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