Hello and welcome back to the second instalment of our community spotlight episodes! We are so excited to be doing these special episodes where we shine the light on some of the beautiful souls in the ACL community and share a chat about biz life.
This feature is on Artists and we welcome Kylie (Tiny Giraffe), Susanna (Susanna April) and Constanza (Constanza Goeppinger) to the podcast.
In this chat we discuss the challenges of biz (like the recent change in social media) as well as what they love most about being a full time Artist. We learn about the nudges each other received to go full time in their creative business and what trusting life’s whispers led to. We also find out what each of these beautiful souls are currently manifesting in their business before ending with a fun round of rapid fire questions.
We loved spending time with these ladies and are sure you will love hanging (listening) with us too!